Why invest in corporate identity, corporate image, and brand strategy? Most business owners already recognize the need for a strong visual identity and brand strategy, but hey, if global recognition isn’t enough, here’s a little story for you: Brand X…

The disciplines of architecture and graphic design have long been intertwined. The Bauhaus, founded in 1919 by architect Walter Gropius was grounded by the idea of creating a Gesamtkunstwerk (universal artwork) in which all of the arts would be brought…

Difficult times “find” great leaders—individuals and companies alike. It will be those who forge relationships and build reputations through times of uncertainty that will position themselves to gain momentum when doubt fades. As Churchill said of Dunkirk, “Wars are not…

As cliché as it may sound, perception truly is reality when it comes to business in the social age. But fortunately, the reality of managing corporate image remains one of the most powerful tools that a business owner and management…